
Specialisation: Cardiologist

Country: Singapore

Name: Dr Kenneth Ng

Education: Education of medical students and trainee doctors at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine of the National University of Singapore

Dr. Kenneth Ngis a Heart Failure Specialist who was the Director of the Heart Failure Programme in the National Healthcare Group (2003 to October 2007). He runs a very successful heart failure service and has regularly published research articles on heart failure in peer reviewed international cardiology journals. He is widely recognized as an expert in the field of heart failure in the ASEAN region and has regularly been invited to give talks on heart failure at both local and regional conferences as well as the American Congress of Cardiology Annual Scientific Meeting. He has also established surgical and mechanical assist device therapy programs for heart failure in Tan Tock Seng Hospital. He was invited to set up the Heart Failure Disease Management Program in the Sultanate of Brunei by the Parkway Healthcare group.

He is a board certified cardiologist in Adult Comprehensive Echocardiography issued by the National Board of Education in the USA. He spent a year and a half as a heart failure/transplant fellow at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (2002 –2003). He is involved in the education of medical students and trainee doctors through his appointment as a clinical tutor at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine of the National University of Singapore. He is an accredited instructor in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and has been invited to Malaysia and Brunei to conduct ACLS courses.

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