
Specialisation:Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Country: Singapore

Name: Dr. Anthony Siow Yew Ming

Awards:KK Hospital Outstanding Clinical Teacher award 2007 KK Hospital Long Service Award

Education:MBBS(S’pore), MMed(O&G)(S’pore), FRCOG(UK), MRANZCOG(Aust-NZ) , FAMS(S’pore)

Dr. Anthony Siow Yew Minghas more than 15 years of institutional practice before setting up Parkway Gynaecology Screening & Treatment Centre at Gleneagles Hospital. He has a special interest in laparoscopic surgery and was awarded the Singapore Government Scholarship for Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery. He trained with Prof Alan Lam, a world renowned laparoscopic surgeon in endometriosis and pelvic floor reconstruction, for one year in Sydney Australia.

Dr Siow was the Director of Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre at KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital, where he trained many specialists in the region in advanced laparoscopic surgery. He is frequently invited locally and overseas to demonstrate and teach laparoscopy. In 2009, Dr Siow started performing Single Incision Laparoscopy, where common surgeries for fibroid and ovarian cysts are completed with just one small 2cm cut. He was the first to demonstrate Single Incision Laparoscopy Hysterectomy in Indonesia, Vietnam and Philippines.
Apart from laparoscopy and gynaecology, Dr Siow still finds much joy in guiding his patients through their exciting journey from pregnancy to childbirth. With two children of his own, and being a hands-on Daddy, Dr Siow often finds it helpful to share some practical tips on childcare with his patients.

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