

Country: Singapore

Name: Dr. Gerald Yau Min Tan


Awards:received the prestigious 2009 Clarke Medal and Cutlers’ Surgical Prize from the Royal College of Surgeons of England prestigious Ferdinand C. Valentine Fellowship in Urologic Research by the New York Academy of Medicine, the AACR-GlaxoSmithKline Outstanding Clinical Scholar Award by the American Association of Cancer Research, the John Steyn Travelling Fellowship in Urology & the James Syme Medal for outstanding academic achievement by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. In 2009, he received the Outstanding Young Persons of Singapore Award (Medical Innovation) by Junior Chamber International (Singapore).

Dr. Gerald Tan is a Senior Consultant Urologist and Robotic Surgeon at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, with extensive expertise in minimally invasive and robotic surgery for kidney, prostate and bladder cancers. He has received numerous top international academic awards and honours for clinical and academic excellence, which include the prestigious Ferdinand C. Valentine Fellowship in Urologic Research by the New York Academy of Medicine; the AACR-GlaxoSmithKline Outstanding Clinical Scholar Award by the American Association of Cancer Research; and the James Syme Medal for outstanding academic achievement by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. In 2012, he was named the Outstanding Young Urologist of Asia by the Urological Association of Asia.

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